— Jo Marshall, Senior copywriter, All Things Words

“When I came to see Hils for some help with my marketing and mindset about 18 months ago, I was stuck, stuck, stuck. I was relying solely on word of mouth (and just about making it work). But I wasn’t growing. I wasn’t visible. And I was feeling pretty rubbish and unsure of what to do to change things.

Hils gave me the ‘gentle-but-supportive’ kick up the bum I needed to get myself on LinkedIn and sort out my woefully out of date website. She broke it down for me into weekly tasks and bits of homework so it didn’t feel too overwhelming, and was kind but firm about the steps I needed to take. I’ve done other courses and coaching since, but Hils you were without a doubt the catalyst to me changing and growing my business.

I’ve quadrupled my turnover since that first day I came to see you, and now get regular leads from LinkedIn - THANK YOU for kickstarting that process for me. I’m SO grateful for that. And if you’re a business owner or freelancer and feeling like I did at the beginning of this quote, go see Hils. She’ll sort you right out (in the nicest possible way). :) “


— Jolene Young, Executive Coach


— Vicki Powell Intuitive Nutritionist, EFT & Matrix Practitioner